The first thing we need to do in the main function is to prepare two groups of keys.
The function setRSAKeys() helps to generate a public/private key pairs:
In the function above, two primes are picked to compute $$n$$, which in reality is a gigantic number because $$p$$ and $$q$$ are big primes, say 1024 bits each. (again in this note we simplified the case by using small integers)
Then $$e$$ and $$d\ =\ \phi(n)$$ are obtained to form the primes: $$e$$is a small odd integer and falls into the public key set. $$d$$, another big number calculated based on $$n$$, is not very easy to guess (or reversed-engineering), and is therefore put as part of the private key set.
Euler’s phi function: $$\phi(n)=n\ \displaystyle\prod_{p|n} \left(1- \frac{1}{p}\right)$$
where $$\phi(n)$$is the size of $$\mathbb{Z}_{n}^*$$, $$p$$ runs over all the primes dividing $$n$$(including $$n$$itself, if $$n$$is prime, too)
$$\mathbb{Z}_{n}^*$$is the multiplicative group modulo n, or defined as
$$\mathbb{Z}_{n}^* = {[a]n}$$in $$\mathbb{Z}{n} : gcd(a,n) = 1$$
where $$[a]_{n}$$= $$a’$$mod $$n$$, $$a’$$in $${Z}$$
e.g. $$\mathbb{Z}_{15}^*\ =\ {1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14}$$, $$\phi( 15 ) = 15 ( 1 - \frac{1}{3} ) ( 1 - \frac{1}{5} ) = 8$$
When we select $$p$$ and $$q$$, which are primes and $$n\ =\ pq$$, The phi function becomes $$\phi(n)\ =\ (p-1)(q-1)$$ , much easier now =)
At the end of the above function we have set two groups of keys: the public key $${e,\ n}$$and the private key $${d,\ n}$$
With the public and private keys, encrypting and decrypting a message becomes easy.
Given a message $$M$$, to encrypt $$M$$we do: $$M^e\ mod\ n$$
the outcome of which, $$S$$, is the encrypted message.
To decrypt the secret, $$S^d\ mod\ n$$ will give you the original message.
$$d = e^{-1}\ mod\ \phi(n) = e^{-1}\ mod\ ((p-1)(q-1))$$ guarantees for the given $$p$$, $$q$$and $$e$$there will be a unique $$d$$. Therefore for a given public key $${ e,\ n }$$, there will be one and only one private key $${ d,\ n }$$. This is exactly what we want!
On the other hand, $$(M^e\ mod\ n)^d\ mod\ n\ =\ M^{ed}\ mod\ n\ =\ M$$ promises the encryption and decryption are irreversible operations.
To be continued…